As specialists on working with listed buildings then it’s easy to see why Bath is one of our favourite cities to work in.

As the only entire city in the UK to achieve UNESCO World Heritage status, the buildings and architecture of Bath are an impressive sight.
They also happen to be precisely the type of buildings we specialise in and love to work on. A beautiful mix of Palladian, Georgian and Neoclassical architecture, Bath has an architectural history to be proud of and we’re always happy to play our part in maintaining that history.
As experts in working with listed buildings, we specialise in manufacturing and installing bespoke secondary glazing for a wide range of historic, classic and listed properties around the UK so naturally, Bath is a perfect location for us.
We’re are currently undertaking surveys in and around Bath so we’re very excited about doing some work there again.

For more information or to book a free no-obligation survey, simply give us a call on 01384 63 63 65 or email
Proud to be celebrating 20 years in business.